ENMCA response to the EC regulated professions consultation

Corps de texte

24 August, 2016

24 August, 2016

August 2016 – ENMCA response to the EC regulated professions consultation under Directive 2013/55/EU. Patient safety must be the ultimate consideration when assessing the proportionality of regulation in the healthcare sector therefore the ENMCA expresses some safeguards.

ENMCA response to EC regulated profession consultation

August 2016


1.    The European Network of Medical Competent Authorities (ENMCA) was first convened at the behest of the European Commission (EC) in spring 2010 and brings together organisations responsible for recognising medical qualifications under Directive 2013/55/EU. As doctors are one of the most mobile professions in Europe, ENMCA participants have significant experience with both the benefits and challenges of high levels of mobility and recognition procedures.


Healthcare is a sector unlike any other regulated profession. Patient safety must be the ultimate consideration when assessing the proportionality of regulation in the healthcare sector.


2.    Patient safety is the most important principle when examining the proportionality of regulation in the healthcare sector. Restricting access to healthcare professions can be justified for overriding reasons of patient safety.

3.    It is essential that the specificity of healthcare professions, including medicine, is taken in to account when examining the proportionality of the rules governing the regulated professions, including access thereto.

4.    The European Commission itself has acknowledged the need for regulation of healthcare professions in its Communication on evaluating national regulations on access to professions (COM (2013) 676).

5.    ENMCA calls on the European Commission to respect the established national structures of professional regulation and to maintain proportionate checks and balances when assessing access to the healthcare profession.


To discuss our position, please contact: Nicola While, General Medical Council (+44 161 250 6954); Alexander Jäkel, German Medical Association (+49 30 400 456-369); Marie Colegrave-Juge, French Medical Council (+33 1 53 89 33 61) or visit the ENMCA website for more information.