General terms and conditions of use

The website is accessible to all.

It is edited by the European Network of Medical Competent Authorities (ENMCA), set up in spring 2010 with the European Commission and coordinated by the German Bundesärztekammer (BÄK-GMA), the French Medical Council (CNOM) and the General Medical Council of the UK (GMC).

The purpose of these General Terms and Conditions of Use is to define the way this website should be used by any User.

Every User is aware of the General Terms and Conditions of Use, accepts them and undertakes to comply with them.

  1. Definitions

In the framework of this Data protection policy,

  1.  “ENMCA” refers the European Network of Medical Competent Authorities;
  2. “CNOM” refers to the French Medical Council (Conseil National de l’Ordre des Médecins) ;
  3. The “Website” refers to the website edited by CNOM and ENMCA Secretariat ;
  4. “User” refers to any physical person consulting the ENMCA website and/or using its services ;
  5. “Private space” refers to the space on the website that can be only consulted by users acting on behalf of a Medical Competent Authority member of ENMCA and with a valid ENMCA account;
  6. “Public space” refers to the space on the website that can be consulted by anyone without having to create an account
  7. “User account holder” refers to every person, elected or employed by a Medical Competent Authority member of ENMCA, and having a ENMCA account that is linked to him / her personally or to his / her medical association. 
  1. General information

2.A- Proposed services

This website is composed of a public space, accessible to any User and a private space, access to which is reserved for elected officials and employees of a medical association recognized as a Medical Competent Authority member of ENMCA and having a private space attached to his / her person or his / her entity.

The website does not host any form of advertising.

You must have a login and password to access the Private space

2.B- Access and availability of the website

All costs relating to the access to the ENMCA website, hardware, software or internet access costs are exclusively the responsibility of the User. He / She is solely responsible for the proper functioning of his / her equipment as well as his / her internet access.

ENMCA reserves the right, without notice or compensation, to temporarily or definitively close the website or restrain the access to the private space, in particular to carry out an update, maintenance operations, modifications or changes to operational methods, servers and hours of accessibility, without this list being exhaustive.

ENMCA is not responsible for any damage of any kind which may result from these changes and / or from a temporary unavailability or even from the definitive closure of all or part of the website.

  1. The Private space

3.A- Description

The private space allows any User holding an account to consult information made available by ENMCA, access to which is reserved exclusively for ENMCA members and partners.

3.B- Access to the private space

Any elected or employee of a Medical Competent Authority member of ENMCA can request the creation of an account to access the Private space via the "New Account" feature on the website.

ENMCA validates the creation of the account allowing access to the Private space.

ENMCA reserves the right to refuse any request that does not meet the conditions for accessing to the Private space mentioned above.

3.C- Deleting an account

The account holder can request the closure of his / her account at any time, without notice, free of charge by sending an email to

The account will be deleted as soon as possible.

  1. User support

For any problem accessing your account, you can write to:

  1. Responsibility of the account holder

5.A- Clearance

Each account holder declares to have all the necessary authorizations to access and use the private space made available by ENMCA.

5.B- Confidentiality of the login credentials and security of the private space

The account holder is responsible for the preservation, conservation and confidentiality of his login credentials (login and password).

The account holder agrees to take all necessary measures to ensure this perfect confidentiality.

Any connection to an account implies the use of the private space by the account holder.

The account holder undertakes to notify without delay any unintentional communication to third parties or theft of his login credentials to the following address:   

The responsibility of ENMCA cannot be engaged in the event of fraudulent or abusive use or due to a voluntary or involuntary disclosure to anyone of the account holder’s username and / or password.

In the event of a suspicion of fraudulent use of the personal account, ENMCA reserves the right, without any compensation and without notice, to suspend or close the associated account.

  1. Personal data protection

ENMCA is required to process personal data as part of the provision of the website and associated services. ENMCA undertakes to comply with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27th, 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free flow of such data, also called “GDPR”, as well as French Law n ° 78-17 on Data Processing, Data Files and Individual Liberties.

You are invited to consult our Data Protection Policy to know the conditions and methods of carrying out the processing of personal data and your rights.

  1. Cookies and trackers

The website uses "cookies" which are navigation trackers on a website, read or placed. Thus, the website is likely to register information in the User's electronic communications terminal equipment and to access information which is already stored there.

The trackers used by the website fall into two categories:

  1. So-called “strictly necessary” trackers, which do not require your prior consent but are essential for the technical functioning of the site (website display, server’s ID, session cookies etc.)
  2. Trackers subject to your consent which are used to measure site traffic (audience measurement cookies).

Audience measurement cookies can be disabled by the User via the "Cookie management" option at the top of the site.

These cookies are kept for a maximum period of 13 months.

  1. Intellectual property

The content of the website, the general structure as well as the software, texts, images, animated or not, photographs, its know-how and all the other elements produced by ENMCA and its partners, and published on the website are the exclusive property of ENMCA.

The distinctive signs of the website editor and its possible partners, such as domain names, brands, names and logos appearing on the website are protected by the French Intellectual Property Code.

The User is authorized to consult and reproduce the elements of the website for professional use, for informational and non-commercial purposes, provided that he / she:

  1. Refers to the original production, mentioning its author;
  2. Integrates the URL, whenever possible, to the ENMCA website;
  3. Informs ENMCA in advance by email at

Any total or partial reproduction of the website, of the distinctive signs of ENMCA made from the elements of the website without notification to ENMCA is therefore prohibited and constitutes an infringement punishable by the applicable law on intellectual property.

  1. Updating the General Terms and Conditions of Use

The European Network of Medical Competent Authorities reserves the right to modify these General Conditions and Terms of Use at any time in order to take into account regulatory changes and changes to the website and / or its operation.

ENMCA will inform Users through a publication on its website of any modification of these General Conditions and Terms of Use.

The User must regularly inform himself / herself about the latest version in force of General Conditions and Terms of Use.

Version 1 - published on DATE September 2020