
7 July, 2015 23rd November 2015 – 14th ENMCA meeting will be hosted by the Belgian Federal Public Service for Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment in Brussels, Belgium.
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16 February, 2015 20th April 2015 – 13th ENMCA meeting will be hosted by the Ordem dos Medicos in Lisbon.
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5 May, 2014 24th November 2014 – 12th ENMCA meeting will be hosted by the Medical Council Malta in Malta.
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15 April, 2014 7th April 2014 – The European Commission published a consultation on introducing the European Professional Card (EPC) for nurses, doctors, pharmacists, physiotherapists, engineers, mountain guides and real estate agents.
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25 March, 2014 From 9 to 12 September 2014 the GMC is hosting the 11th International Association of Medical Regulatory Authorities (IAMRA) in London. The theme of the conference is 'Medical Regulation - Evaluating risk and reducing harm to patients’. The conference will focus on the functions of medical regulation
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5 February, 2014 7th April 2014 – 11th ENMCA meeting will be hosted by the Royal Dutch Medical Association (RDMA) in Utrecht.
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