
6 April, 2012 25th April 2012 – European Parliament, Brussels, organized by the MEP Ms. Bernadette Vergnaud, Rapporteur. The IMCO Committee is organizing a public hearing to amend the Professional Qualifications Directive in the European Parliament. The hearing will focus on the minimum training requirements.
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6 April, 2012 8th March 2012 – European Data Protection Supervisor opinion on the proposal for modernising the directive 2005/36/EC
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22 February, 2012 13th April 2012 – 7th ENMCA meeting held at the General Medical Council, 350 Euston Road, London NW1 3JN London
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22 February, 2012 2nd February 2012 – Organised by the European Commission-DG Internal Market The modernisation of the Professional Qualifications Directive is one of the priorities for the EU under the Single Market Act. An evaluation of the Directive culminated in a Commission’s proposal adopted in December 2011.
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2 February, 2012 7th March 2012 – HPCB held a conference on the recognition of professional qualifications proposal in the European Parliament, Brussels. The event provided an opportunity for healthcare professional regulators to share their views on key aspects of the text impacting on patient safety.
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