
December 2020 - Internal Survey led by the Royal Dutch Medical Association
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June 2019 - This survey, led by the Royal Dutch Medical Association, maps the different registration fees in place for EEA and third country applicants. It found large differences between the fees charged in different competent authorities.
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November 2018 - This survey, led by the Dutch Ministry of health, welfare and Sport, looked at the processes in place across European for processing applications for registration from third country nationals who hold an EEA qualification.
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June 2018 - The French Medical Council undertook a survey of revalidation across the EU. It found that the majority of authorities who responded have a revalidation system but that the details of the programmes differ between country.
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November 2017 - This study, led by the German Medical Association, examines the systems for third country national registration that exist across the EU. It found that both the costs for applying and the application process differ greatly across Europe.
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May 2017 - This survey, undertaken by the French Medical Council, looks at the rules for issuing article 30 certificates (acquired rights for general practitioners) across Europe.
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